Monica Mweseli
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Monica Mweseli!!

Prof. Monica Nalyaka Wanambisi Mweseli was born in a rural Kimabole Village at the slopes of Mount Elgon Kenya, East Africa. She attended primary and secondary schools in Kenya. She later joined the University of Nairobi where she bagged a Bachelors Honours Degree. She then proceeded to Atlanta University, USA where she obtained a Master of Arts in English as well as Ph.D in English in 1987. She taught for many years in Kenyan secondary schools and at Daytona Beach Community College in Florida-USA for four years; at present, she lectures at the University of Nairobi where she is also a professor of English. She has authored several literary criticism, short stories and poetry.  Two of her published books are entitled: Thought And Technique In The Poetry Of Okot P’ Bitek (1984) and The Study Of The Poetry Of Okot P ‘ Bitek (2005). Her doctorate dissertation entitled: Eight Major Exemplars Of American Literature has been published on microfiche. She is currently the HOD, Literature and Linguistics, University of Nairobi College of Education and External Studies.



African Woman;

Self namer,

Self definer,

Family centred,

Genuine is sisterhood,

In concert with male

In struggle,



Role Player,



Considerate , 

Male compatible,  













Money bank.
The African Woman:

What do you want?

Which way do you go?                                                                                       




They are lovely, lovable

So pretty and vital

All adorned in imported vestments

And sky-high ideas,

They have the sky-scrapers to hurdle

Benzes to outrun

And lives to possess.

They are out in the freshness

But alas!


They totter and totter

Gathering useless momentum

For they cannot fly

Cannot take-off

And when you touch their hearts

You freeze

All the warmth is gone into the race

Their smiles, a stamp

Their laughter a cassette

They must fly

But the feathers won’ t grow

And they remain grounded

Perplexed at the failed take-off.




What do I see, the death of our land.

What do I hear, the cry of our mother,

Death of our land.

Our greed for money, esteem,

power, destroyed her.

We, her children,

We, who thought that we

Were making a better land,

A better world, a better future.

We destroyed the one who loved us most

Who cared for us, protected us. 

We dug our own grave.


So listen, listen and understand her plight.                               

She is dying, crying silently for help,

As she remembers yesterday,

When we danced with songs and rejoiced;

The fresh air sweet as honey,

The land beautiful in its grace.


The beautiful songs of the birds told a story.

The wind whispered the secrets of the forest.

The tall and handsome trees stood proud,                                 

Like a guard of honour.

While the beautiful flowers danced gracefully

In their wedding gowns.

The water rippled with laughter as it danced seaward.

Nobody worried about food, shelter or water.

Firewood and medicine came from the forest

Man lived in harmony with beast.

Mother nature took care of her children.



Greed overcame us:
The trees were cut down for wood, the

forest burnt for cultivating land.


Tall buildings sprang up,                                                        

Releasing a deadly gas.

Our water was polluted by waste,

The land filled with chemicals,

We dug our own graves.

 We destroyed our mother.
The beautiful birds started dying,                                                      

The flowers no longer danced in delight,

Our land became barren.

Men and animals competed for food,

Hunger became our daily companion,

The air choked us to death,                                                       

Strange diseases appeared.


War arose and people died.

Machine guns were used like toys.                                                

There was no place for man or beast to hide.                          

Survival of the fittest became the name of the game.
So listen! Listen to the plight of our mother.

Clean all the garbage,

Plant trees and flowers,

Get rid of the choking gas,

Clean our rivers and lakes,

Save our mother from death;

She cared for us.

In return we should care for her,                                                

Save our environment,

Save Mother Nature.



“Asuko and Wanaswa”

The two love birds that loved each other                                   

The two birds that married each other.

The two love birds that lived

Together; for better, for worse!

 To have and to hold!

Till death do apart.

Did you have to go on a journey

Together and leave the children alone?

Well, two months apart it was

When you left.

But surely did you have to                                                           

Leave the children so young?


Oh death! Thou cruel death!

Did you have to rob the

Children at that tender age of a loving                                            

Mother and a loving father?

“Mightily and dreadful”, called you

John Donne, and indeed you are!

Asuko and Waanaswa!                                                                                                  


The trip you took has left

Us shocked, depressed and wondering!

 Yes it has left Khabutsi Adalla,

Wambulwa, friends, relatives and                                                       

Well wishers crying, their hearts are bleeding!                                  

The mourners say you went to rest                                               

They say it is the only way.

They say they are en route to

Your new residence;

But that you will never                                                                                                         

Embark on their homes again!

Oh! Death who can understand your

Stealthy manner.Asuko and Wanaswa

Did you have to go when you did?

But is there any right time to depart?

Yes, may be old age is a bit ripe.                                           

Prepare for us the mansions

For we are en route to your residence

But you, never to ours.


We mourned your passing with

A lot of pain

But remember with great

Fondness the joy you brought in our lives.

You left things that can not be erased.

Your gaps will never be filled.

Thanks for the memories.

We miss you very much.


May God rest your souls in peace
Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!

Rest! Rest!

Till death do us meet!

God be with you till we meet again.
The good Lord rest your souls in eternal peace.





They came in swarms

Bags of honey in cartridges

Seeking flowers


Grandma was a withering flowering

They found her, pitied her

And … yelled at her


They found her tilling, begging earth

And were merciful

Theirs was a missile war

That took short moments of sweetened agony


A flood of honeyed waters in her body

She lay

On a floor hence to be grassed


The foolishness of youth was upon us

Dark clouds of awe enveloped us

Unsure of the brewing honey.


Ma cried tears

I saw old women weep for love

But the bees had opened an unreturning journey


I heard the fishwomen haggle

Cups, guards axes appropriated according to age

Strangers called in-laws came in tears

To grab the herds

For a dowry of a century ago


A rat-race for aged possessions

But the bees have had their last session

And no ghosts came to haunt the greedy remnants


They demolished the mud house

Doors and windows now guard new houses

While grandma rots in the earth;

The bees were merciless


And memory allies with the honey-carriers

Abandoning honey for jabs of poison

Flooding away the hurt and loss

And condoning the swarms for the last flight.



Boom! Boom! Bhang! Bhang!
What is it?

An earthquake?                                                                                  

That dark Friday morning!

Ten a.m. to be exact.                                                                                 

All ran helter skelter in all directions.

Bleeding on their faces?                                                              

Glass all over the streets.



Building went

Tumbling down!

The American Embassy Building

Went down in shambles!

Crack! Quake! Quake! Quake!

All human beings submerged

And buried under the big mass

Of blocks

Of metal

Of iron                                                                                                     

Oh! What a waste!


Kenya Bus with all its passengers                                                

Went bhang!

All aboard dead.

Bus filled with blood

Oh! What a waste!



Osama Bin Laden?

Or whoever was responsible                                                                                                                                     Suicide bomber

So they call you!

Must you force your suicide on others?

They are not suicidal remember.
Who can stop this terrorism?                                           


Many were left maimed

A child’s voice was heard crying

“Where is my daddy?”

A husband’s voice was heard crying                                                

“Where is my wife?”

A wife’s voice was heard screaming

“My husband! My husband!

I have lost my husband!”                                                      

Children were left orphans

Women widows

Men widowers

The gap left will never be filled.







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