Kimori Erik
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Kimori Erik !!



Eric Gichana Kimori aka- Kimori Erik, hails from Risa Village, Nyamira district of Kenya. After completing his O’ Level, he worked as news reporter in a local magazine outfit before joining the Kenyan institute of Mass Communication where he is currently undergoing a course in Broadcasting Journalism.  He belongs to the Writers Bureau for free lance Journalism and has written a poetry anthology and a play entitled: Immigration Visa and “Innocent”  He is married with a daughter



He has passed along

The busy city streets



He has milled in melees

And caught up in crazy sprees



He has crossed crossroads

And rounded roundabouts



He has ate from popular gate-ways

And drunk from popular joints



He takes women

Like his brethren

He clads in simplicity

Like the jobless majority

He learns from ours

Like we do from his

He succumbs to joy and grief

Like we all cry and laugh.


Yet without and éclat

He has commandeered great

Minds with his rhyme delicacies

He has brought down great temples

He has commanded our susceptibilities

He has told us to laugh

And we have laughed



He has told us to cry

And we have cried

He has told us to hate

He has told us to love

And we have obeyed.






Upon the green leafy roof

Upon the spying banana leaves

Upon the green relief

Juvenile love sprouts


In the imitation of parents

In an unknown span

In the air love flies

Yes, a child in born


From adventure they suspend

From innocence they ill

From mud to sand

They roll on anthill


Hope they’ll grow

Hope they’ll stop

Hope time will show

Them brother from chap






There’s this one

Who makes my heart cry

And makes my hair entwine

And renders my mouth dry


For a century now

I have been lost in slumber

Groping in the affectionate glow

Groping in the blindness stupor


I have cried out before

For a saviour if there were

When she’d stay no more

But I’ve steered clear


There may be more bland and blonde

There may be more beauteous

But this one is their grand

This blooming narcissus


This is your epistle

My begotten junoesque

To settle my muddle

To be here and play me off key


I know it’s the river

I know it’s the fields

But Prithee come over

We shall bathe and eat ourselves


Do I need to sit here

To swim in a yawning cup?

If with life I’ll drop

My heart like the stomach

Takes in without fill

Stock after stock

Yet I rove for more still


This I must tell you

My soul is ailing

And the sky is blue

The clouds aren’t collecting


Honey, listen to me

Prithee discard that fear

Gone has the other mummy

And the sky remains clear


Mother to child and me

This we won’t end, I promise

Stay in hot and cold

That we may suck the juice


Three of this is history

They are gone forever

Methink this one shall tarry

Forever and ever


Truly true my love

This one will last

I promise to only have you

All day, all night


Here I sign off

My back is aching

I die for some relief

And there’ll be no stopping.






At the church’s doorstep

The spirit of revelry

The nostalgic reflection

The distant reminiscence

Of yester night

Arrested me.


I looked to the south

Where stood the transept

I looked to the east

Where stood the altar

I traced my steps

Where stood the signpost

I sure, wasn’t lost.


I believed for the transfiguration

And surged forward

Into the transfigured club

Where were my fellow patrons?

Those whom I intended to disown

Those who I was running away from


I transfixed myself somewhere

Close to the rear door

Betwixt Satan and Lucifer

For they were all there

These whom I was running away from

These I easily recognized


The service miscarried

I couldn’t pretend any longer with them

These leopards under

The lambs’ gentle disguise

These who all stood in turn

To give praise to the one above.






We heard you talk about

It-all over the press. That

You intended to evict them

From their cradle. Then we

Saw you keep your WORD


What is it again

That took the gain

So hardly earned? No SOONER

Had they left than they

Returned. Is it your

Cruelty or their craftiness?

Is it the adaptation

Or the accommodation?


We are left to wonder whether

Indeed we shall ever have

Peaceful streets then those

Manifested by the befitting

Owners. We still wonder

Whether our splashed streets shall

Be complete without them


We dare imagine how

Lonely down-town side walks

Will be without

The occasional but usual

Smear of human dung

Or the silhouetted hands

That frisk out wallets.

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