Chukwuemeka Onyeagba
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Chukwuemeka Onyeagba!



House inundated with loquacity

Infested with ribaldry and insensibility

Ejecting thick white lice

Typical of ‘Agbada’ seats and politics

Like progenitors ab initio

Like soap-box promises and provision

The house propagates moribund tongues

For the neophytes pushed to delapidity,

For the esoteric ‘Agbada’ green white politics

Hysteria movement to oblivion

Thus, evidence of poor strata quality exhibited

Salvaged by Hejira to party iconoclast

Politician! Your clarion echo to reversion

Of many calendars of military oppression.




Natural nature rules unruffled

Baby born between best bets

Bread, buttered cautiously, but

Bade farewell to family sanity.


Pride of promise fulfilled

Product of sweet raw times

Alumna of first class schools

But negation of interests.


In the mother’s elastic sack

A pride of many.

In real contact with the world,

A pride of many.


For personal safety family name and link,

Heads, efforts together linked.

For the immediate, and posterity,

Heads, efforts together meshed.


But child!

Why symbols of mundanity and putrefaction

Dome of uncensored talks

Prey of the wolves, under and over teen:


Why bellicose, amorous and raw

Consider the best bets

Consider family sanity and pride,

Consider alma mater and ideals.


Why perch from arms to thighs?

As a tyre, you wear your threads.

Like steel, you rust.

Like a prostitute, you stir the pot

Bidding farewell to family name and sanity.





Compromise conditions with cause.

Tomorrow’s uncertainty is certain.

Trapped like a tramp,

One is found trotting the micro mundi

Oral joggling those with disciples

Rhetorics, quotations, illusions and explanations

With deep impressions formally formed.




Common misfortunes blossomed this PRIZE

And so the sleep and search ends



Cupid did shoot correctly

Sealing permanently the expectations of man

As it was decreed in heaven, so today here.

And the losers must wait for another time,

If there is need for such a time.





From the beginning, he was anointed

In fulfillment, was ordained June 29,sixty-five.

He was Christ’s bridge among people,

Examples of all we profess and cherish.

But death, like His death took him like He

All soutanes, laity and others in Christ

Celebrate this day, life of another Christ and humanist

Before you Father therefore we prostrate

Rinse him of eternal guilts

Protect us and make us see this priest model

When the final convocation is called beyond.


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