Onyesom Charles
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Onyesom Charles !!




A citadel of learning

Going through excruciating trials

In her academic pursuit.

Toiling and moiling,

Burning of midnight oil is scarce,

Awards now come in saucers.

To desire a crown is self investment,

But is it a worthwhile investment?

A crown of pride and prestige, 

The joy is self actualization.

Golden moments briskly passing away,

The contemporary brashness,

Their ardour is machiavellian:

The end always justify the means.

Tutorial tutelage is under degradation,

Dilapidation of the crown in progress,

The citadel blosoms in proliferation;

All for profit maximization.

In the citadel are underdogs

And on their palms, the citadel lies.

The citadel will survive,

But, will the crown?




Death, a dangerous adventure

As calm as a grave yard

Blissful moment briskly pass away

Obsessional feeling of love

For departed Vero.

No penitence,

Her mouth  cotton-sealed,

No relics of departure,

Why not a little notice?

To wear faith and virtue

As a breast plate

And  salvation, as a helmet.

Excruciating pain,

Oh Vero!

Your departure was painful.

All alone,

Medical luminary on life-saving  tour,

A total  washout.

A ferocious cry from Vero

But a symbol of valediction

A valediction of tears.

Death, a dangerous adventure

A tour  to eternity

A journey  to six feet.

Short, though  long

The  journey of weary and tears.

Journey  devoid of  invitation,

A journey  once made, never forgotten.






Quest for creative comfort,

Celestial glory devoid of miscreants,

Yet, not attainable.

Counting time is not as vital

As making time count.

The world seems not to be enough.

Strengthening the rich,

By weakening the impoverished.

Oh! What a recalcitrant Dust!

Deviant generation,

A dividend of deceptive society,

Little or no penitence,

Generation of deceptive society,

Symbol of destruction.

The streets once illuminated by light,

Now, darkened by night operators.

Obsessed with gruesome killing,

With much impurity,

Law not for them,

But for the impoverished.

Politics a lucrative venture,

Characterised by financial profligacy.

Blinking manifestos, everywhere!

Their tenure, a tender death.

An excruciating tenure,

With smiles on their faces,

And weary on the underdogs’ faces.

But time ticks

Time, shall count.

And they shall all kiss the dust

Their deceptive master.



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