Obasi Godwin
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Obasi Godwin!!


His life is uneventful
Succulent green body stuck
To a lush green fat
Says: "there is no other world"

Wisdom spoke to him a word
Only you don"t know it
There are other worlds
All different worlds

Some are swooping predators
That fancy succulent greenish bodies
So, all the days of his life
He must remain flat un-moving

"Thats foolish",
Spoke wisdom again
There is a word I will introduce you to

Beautiful, colourful smooth-gentle fliers
Fluttering back and forth
With grace only the Originator could give
"They were once like you!"

You must be transformed, regenerated
Born again! Like butterflies.

You would escape this short sightedness
To predators predator.
A symbol of love
"Butterflies shall live forever!"


Sparkles are baits
Baits that dangle on hooks
Gold-kind is arresting
The sparkles of gold their qualities

But my golden sparkle
As her majesty the queen, radiates,
Eyes fastened, etiquette discarded
Behold, I"m your humble servant.

Modesty sat enthroned
The Originator with no restraint
Had him exalted
The rule of the game with him
But heed, men would not.

So my kingship adverted
My dominion trails only behind
As the high and mighty of society
Belch over me.

When they are filled
They stagger to their vehicles
The arch-apostates finds willing hands
Un-timely grave, many are vaulted

The reeking husbands stagger home
Reverent spouses irreverent become
Adoring kids in the house eject disrespect
The man howls, belches and reeks

But here, I am hated
Out there, my sparkle charms
Whats amiss?
Liquid garbed in golden sparkles

If the voice modesty was respected
Then rising suns shouldnt set at dawn
My sparkles would be humbled
And my provinces lesser.

Inside this oval magnificence
The master artist displays
Colossal that
Wonderment elicit.

Never before have I been
An alpha-observer mopes
As concord speaks glory,
And understanding unfolds

Showers of cold breeze
Upon my breather hit
The Originator is prudent
He did it that quench I may not.

Askew sits the gigantic source
Single and multiple radiators
Project light bill-lessly
What a thinker Originator!

In the black night,
As the sparkle of the galaxy
The deep demonstrations of alpha-thinker

The Book made mention
In His similitude
We all are fashioned
Our lives His praise

Over the Atlantic
The Pacific and Orientals
The far-flung Mediterranean
Men thinkers

The talking-box, the self-willed cart
The metal-flier and rain-box
Demonstrations of dominion over Earth
His command.

In this turf are dreamers
Shadow is chased
Have dominion, none heeds
Poverty reigns as ignorance sings.


Sweet is the gift
That tenderly adores
The gift that eagerly moulds
That gives succour
Uncommon grace art she endowed

To smile when her baby
Difficult becomes
With the right scolds
With the left she loves

In the eerie quiet of the cloak
When folks have their system reinvigorated
Up and doing she remains
She delights in what we cant
Humming in an apparently tasking duty

The first friend of the Earth-pilgrim
Her grace is huge
Her tolerance is uncontemplative
Quietly, tenderly she goes
With a vocation, only hers the calling

A minute en-sample of the Originator
Tender both to weak and strong
When the strong comes home
At home he feels
All for the gift in the house

She is quietly disposed
Few or none understands,
The strong renews under her tenderness
The neo-mortal blooms in her love.
She has a big calling
And she delights in doing it
Practicing and perfecting everyday

Until her gift maketh a way
Then a cynosure she becomes

She discovers her purpose
Where many speculate
She makes use of the grace
Where many abandoned
She becomes rich
Where many become poor.
Obasi Godwin!!