Okunbor Hycent
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Hey here is Okunbor Hycents poem so take ur time & read !!


When do we realize
That enough is enough
When enough is never enough
With more than enough fools.
Fools they say confound the wise
Just as the weak confound the strong
Realization of fact comes with men of facts

Thats why I shall piss on the grave
Of he who would want me dead
Before my time
The blind man you know, does see
So die, you that plots death for me.

My fathers legs are too big to fit my grave
Just as my hands are too weak to pour
Sand on my childs grave.

Its time for us to come together
Its time for us to reason together
Its time for us to work together
Its time for us to love one another
Its time for us to face life together
Time as you know waits no man

Have you tried to bring back the hand of time?
Time respects no one
Time is a revealer of all that was hidden
Time is friend to truth

Time is enemy to falsehood
With time, the hopeless is hopeful
Hence time brings blessing to the hopeless,
Who will please help stop time?
Who can stop time on time?

What can I do with time?
What can I do without time?
A stitch in time they say, saves nine
Time is my friend, I love it dearly
Time works in my favour
Because, I am a man of truth
Time heals all things
Time heals wounds
Wound of love, wound of hate
Wound of loss, wound of gain
Time ticks! Time clicks!
Always keep to time
And be a man of truth.

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